
Showing posts from 2011

Lies We Tell Ourselves to Feel Better

To the Ladies: A Plea for Modesty

What Women Want

"The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants"

The New Halloween Sluts: A Rant About Men and Modesty

Hoorah for Autumn!

To Emasculate = To Effeminize= To Dehumanize -- Apparently

Creepy vs Cute: Asking Before You Have The Right To-- Elaborated

(Marketing) Relationships Top Five Mistakes

Disturbing Statistics & "Starter Marriages"

Save the Books! Say "No" to Snooki!

Playing the Game

It's Called "Practice"

Recognizing a Good Foundation--Or a Bad One for that Matter

My Dissection of Rejection

Living Vicariously Through Meredith Grey--Sad Day

Scoring Points With Your Significant Other

Dating Fears Debunked

The Evolution from Dating to Relationship (On the Practical End of Things)

My Mind Blew Up and My Heart Broke from the Brilliance

The Loveliness of Possibility

Hey! Don't be a Pansy!

London Calling

I figured it out! Why I'm still single. And why it's likely to stay that way.