Save the Books! Say "No" to Snooki!

The other day I am sitting in my "The Great American Novel" class and my professor (who has a DOCTORATE in African American Literature) whips out this doosey: "I've never missed an episode of Jersey Shore because I am convinced that anthropologists and sociologists will study the show in regards to our generation in time."  My heart died a little bit; I am becoming more and more convinced that I will die an early death do to cardiac failure directly linked to societal stress.

It has been proven that our generation's vocabulary has shrunken 42% from what our grandparents' was!  And that doesn't include the 78% shrinkage that has occurred since the likes of Jane Austen and Mark Twain wrote (not that I credit Mark Twain for being a word-smith, the only things he was good at were writing dialects and making fun of others... lame).  

People people people!  Put down the remote, pick up a book!  Stop making yourself stupid!

*More to follow.


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