Living Vicariously Through Meredith Grey--Sad Day
In one of my classes we were discussing the eating disorder of Pica-- ya know the thing that makes you eat non-food items like dirt, paint, leather, etc. We discussed how theory has it that the body recognizes a nutrition deficiency and is trying to find something to compensate. I left that class feeling relieved that I don't have the hankering for grass or wood.
Later that evening I came home and flipped on the Netflix and proceeded to watch five hours of Brothers & Sisters and Grey's Anatomy. After the brainlessness I came to the sudden realization that I may not crave crayons or paper but my sad and pitiful waste of time in front of the flickering blue light might be the emotional/mental equivalent of Pica. What if the reason we sit and watch the television for so many hours is because we don't have lives and therefore we are deficient and looking for a life through non-life sources like TV? Don't I have anything better to DO with my life? Apparently not.
New goal: No more than two hours of TV at a time.... (Weefy? Yes, I know. But I'm weak.)
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