Playing the Game

A friend of a friend of a friend of someone I once knew... or a relationship equally strange and unfathomable, told me of a story in which a girl that seemed "interesting" to him ultimately irritated him by insisting that he call as oppose to text her.  He went into an unnecessarily long and detailed explanation as to why this was big-headed and "typical" of her to which I had to fight the urge to leap from my seat and junk punch him.

What was even more irritating for me was the response of a girl who asked him what he thought could be wrong with him that he keeps attracting phychos (at this point in the conversation I seriously considered moving to the mountains as to never have to deal with my peers again). 

To this girl I shake my head in disgust.  To this boy I roll my eyes in expected annoyance.

Dude, you should have to call her.  That's life.  The straws have been drawn and you've got the short stick-- it's called being male.  I know it's rough to be the initiator, I don't envy your position, but it is your position.  It isn't that hard to make a phone call, so just make the call.  If her calling you back is so important to you leave a message (on the voicemail) expressing the appreciation you would have if she would call you back.  It's simple, be the chaser.

Lady who likes to suck up to the boys listen, have some dignity and stop bending over backward to play the game by his rules.  Stop trying to win the guy over by saying that you'll do the work.  There are two fundamental problems with doing that: 1.) you'll end up with a lazy, weak man who will do nothing that life dictates, and 2.) All the pressure to make the relationship work will entirely be on you because you've taken on both roles.

Men need to be men.  Women need to be women.  End of story.


  1. Hi,
    I very much agree with your take on this.
    The worst thing a girl can do to weaken the relationship before it even started is to start doing his job or even more than he is currently doing.
    Also we are way more attractive when we have a life of our own independently of their existence, for some reason they love when we treat them whatever-like...not as in ignoring them but not obsessing over them.


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