It's Called "Practice"

My friend Brittany runs a dating blog far more in depth and focused than mine (you should check it out sometime). On it she answered a question that one of her male readers asked about why a girl that seems interested will "suddenly start dating someone else."  She responded by saying that her best guess was that the girl was probably interested but the other guy probably showed more substantial interest--meaning he probably asked her out on official dates and such. Brittany suggested to this nice young man that he should just ask the girls he likes out.  To this answer another gentleman emailed Brittany and asked, "so, what are we supposed to do? Just walk up to a girl and say 'hey I like you would you like to go out with me?' Is that not the creepiest thing ever?"  Um... well, I kinda want to meet this guy, ask him to read his question out loud and then ask if it sounded as dumb to him as it did to me.

Oh dear Universe! What the H-word happened?!  Okay boy-o's let me explain something: If you ask a girl, "hey, I'd like to take you out to dinner... how does next Thursday work for you?"  she will get the hint that you're interested without awkward DTRs and unnecessary proclamations of interest.  DTRs are a negative effect of hanging out; if you ask out on official dates they (DTRs) aren't necessary.  You don't have to make something more awkward than it is.  Stop over thinking, that's the woman's job anyway.

An acquaintance of my friend Brittany once told her a terribly enlightening thing about dating, that in reality it's all just practice.  Let me elaborate.

  • Asking out on dates is practice to ask a girl to be your girlfriend.
  • Asking girl(s) to be your girlfriend is practice to ask a girl to marry you.
  • (And if you believe in the Mormon doctrine of eternal families) Asking a girl to marry you is just practice to asking that girl to be your wife forever after this life.
Also think of it like this:
  • A date is just practice for friendship and committed relationships.
  • A committed relationship is just practice for engagement.
  • An engagement is just practice for marriage.
  • Marriage is just practice (if you believe the Mormon doctrine of eternal families) for your eternal marriage after this life to that person.
It's just practice, a run through, nothing to be scared of, so stop being so scared.  IT IS JUST PRACTICE!


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