The New Halloween Sluts: A Rant About Men and Modesty

As aforementioned... frequently... I am a Mormon.  In Mormondom modestly is highly prized, particularly when it comes to clothing and women.  As we learn from Paramount's Mean Girls  Halloween is the one time out of the year that girls can wear lingerie (does anyone else think that is the weirdest spelled word ever? D@*$#% French... and not be called slutty; unfortunately that seems to be the case (though I still think they're sluts, yes just call me Judgey McJudgerson).

Anyway I'd like to turn this around a little and throw it back at the men (sluts).  Way back in the day (like way way back- we're talking like ya know.... the beginning of time until birth control) there was this belief among men that women have no sex drive.  Why?  Because if a woman gets pregnant every single time she has sex (not to mention pregnancy & giving birth being intensely dangerous killing nearly 50% of all women back then) yeah, she's probably going to avoid sex, but don't let the olden days kid you, straight women are in fact sexually attracted to men.  That having been said I must state that I'm a little fed-up with the modesty double standard.

There are two major issues I have with slutty men.  #1:  The man thigh.  Okay, so I recognize that men will look for any excuse to wear a Speedo or shorty-shorts to get a laugh-- well don't it's icky. Yes icky.  Seriously you look like idiots, and not funny idiots.  If you're looking for a way to repulse the women around you go for it.  But it is disrespectful and gross.  Not a good combo.  #2: Shirtlessness.  Now I know I'm going to be called a prude, but I polled the ladies I know and asked, "how many of you feel really uncomfortable when you're around shirtless men?"  All of them said yes followed up by statements like: "I never know where to look,  do I look at their face? Make eye contact? It's so awkward and distracting."  "I know it's dumb but wowza! Awkward!"  "I just sit and think, I don't walk around in front of you with my shirt off out of respect, can I get a little bit of that thrown back here."  "If a bikini is disrespectful because it's basically walking around in a bra and panties than how is walking around in your swimming suit not the equivalent of walking around in front of us in your boxers?  Oh yeah, that's supposedly okay."

Now I'm not saying that men should have to wear a t-shirt while swimming or anything as ridiculous as that, but the next time you hear a girl getting reamed for not thinking about the mental purity of men when getting dressed in the morning ask yourself if you're one of those guys who take every opportunity afforded you to strut around shirtless.  You know what you're doing and it is just as calculated and frustrating.

And Halloween is no more an excuse for men to be slutty that it is for women.


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