Creepy vs Cute: Asking Before You Have The Right To-- Elaborated

Click here to see what it looks like to a girl you've never met when you try to get her to go out with you.

        a.) Don't ask out a girl you've never before seen without any real conversation at first. Why? Because unless a girl is on the slutty side she doesn't like guys to ask her out just because of what she looks like; it's offensive. If you meet her in a situation that you know you may never see her again (she isn't a friend of a friend) at least strike up a conversation first and then suggest meeting up somewhere public to do something that won't take up too much time.
        b.) If she seems uncomfortable or distant or says "no" the first time you ask her, leave it alone.  Persistance is only cute in movies.
        c.) Hanging out only confuses the situation.  If you like a girl, and you know her (you don't need to be friends already) just ask her on a date.

Main point: ask out girls for the right reasons.  Don't be pushy. Don't be lazy. It's a balancing act, but it's ultimately worth it.

In a previous post I mentioned that one of the biggest mistakes made in relationships is "asking before you have the right to ask" and I've gotten questions as to what this means.  I understand that there is a great debate amongst the men as to whether or not flat out asking a girl out on a date, whilst using the word "date" (oh heaven forbid) is creepy and stalkerish or not.  Some guys debate that you need to be friends first and hang out a few times first, some argue the opposite.  Well, this girl  wants to throw in her opinion.

  The question here is whether or not it's okay to walk up to a girl get her number and ask her out.

Exhibit A:  Once I was sitting in the Orem Institute of Religion's game room, alone, on a couch reading a book.  I got thirsty so I got up, went to a vending machine and bought myself a chocolate milk, sat down and continued reading.  About 30 seconds later a random guy, whom I had never before seen let alone talked to, came and sat next to me and said, "are you real?"  I looked at him leeringly and affirmed that I was.  He said, "I was just sitting over there and saw this ridiculously cute girl buy a chocolate milk--making her even cuter-- and sit down and start reading a Sherlock Holmes book-- making her even more cute-- and thought to myself, she can't possibly be real."  Now, I'm not great at concealing a look of disdain, my normal face tells people that their idiots unintentionally, so I'm pretty sure that the look on my face at that moment told this kid that he was about the dumbest person I had ever encountered.  But, alas, he was not to be deterred. 

He then told me that he absolutely had to take me out on a date.  I said that I had concerns about the fact that I didn't know who he was, nor did I know anyone who did know him.  He introduced himself as if that were to relieve my worries.  It didn't.  He was persistent and quite frankly annoying.  So I agreed to meet him at IHOP for a brief breakfast.  We ate.  He didn't seem to be a serial killer so I agreed to a game of pool back at the institute.  He asked me out for a second date, of which I declined.  I just wasn't interested.  Sorry.  But no, that wasn't quite enough.  Two years later he finally got the hint. ---And in case you didn't, that's creepy and weird.  Guys don't do that.

Exhibit B:  I knew this guy vaguely.  We had mutual friends and had known of each other for years.  At one point I could tell he thought I was cute and would have liked to ask me out.  But presumably he didn't want to come off as the random creepy guy he kept inviting me to hang out with him (or maybe he is just lazy and lame).  After a few hang outs and no real attempt to date me on any, regardless of how minimal, official level I gave up and went out with other guys and stopped responding to his texts and hang out offers. --- In case you didn't catch the moral: that is LAME.  Guys don't do that either.

Exhibit C:  I met a guy in one of my classes.  We sat next to each other and would chat everyday before class and would walk together as far as our routes would allow to the next class.  After a few months he asked me on a date.  I was excited.  We went, it was fun and we ended up dating for a little while. --- Moral: that was not creepy, weird or lame.  It was fun and impressive.  Guys, do that.

Please leave comments below if so inclined.  Thank you come again.


  1. Nicole

    Unfortunately, your words have failed to clarify anything at all - in fact, you didn't even answer your own question!

    Exhibit A: It seems that you knocked this 'random guy' back because '(you) had never before seen let alone talked to (him)'. In your post 'Hey! Don't be a Pansy!' you told men in no uncertain terms to grow a pair, to stop hanging out, and to ask for legitimate dates. Exhibit A had the balls to forgo hanging out and ask for a date. Yet you practically ridiculed him. Not a good start, Nicole.

    Exhibit B: I will agree that his actions were lame, but I'm predicting that he once had the balls to ask a girl out, but they were cut off when one girl saw that level of assertiveness as creepy. Once bitten, twice shy. Your own fault.

    Exhibit C: Good on him for asking you out, and avoiding the hang-out, but he too had probably been labelled as a creep after being forthright in his earlier days, hence the reason why it took him 'a few MONTHS' to ask you out.

    In conclusion, you want a man to initiate (fair enough, I want to do that), but only if you have pre-determined that you like him. If you don't like the guy, your 'perfect ask-out' will come across as creepy and desperate. No wonder men have no balls these days... you have cut them off!

    Nicole, I would love to communicate further with you regarding the dating world. Please e-mail me back at I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts! :)



    P.S. If only we weren't half a world away, I would be honoured to date you. Alas, I read about your online dating experience, and know that it's not a possibility. :(

  2. Hey Craig,
    I can see why you saw this post as a little on the confusing side, you had some good points. I won't deny that on occasion some of my points sound contradictory, I blame that on the fact that I often write these in the wee hours of the morning.
    I suppose my main beef with the guy I've never met nor seen before asking me out has something to do with the fact that I am far more flattered when a guy wants to go out with me for reasons other than physical attraction. Maybe I shouldn't be so bugged when a guy makes the entire decision to date me because he thinks I LOOK worth it, but alas that's me. Not all girls are so concerned.

    Like I've said in other posts I don't envy men their role to initiate all the time, it's got to be frustrating but I also don't appreciate the implication that all the world's dating problems rest in the hands of women. I'm a little tired of being blamed for a man's past negative experiences. Your response to "exhibit b" made it seem that I "bit" the guy supposing that he was bitten at all.

    I have had more than a lot of negative dating experiences and yet I do my best to not take it out on other men. I would appreciate the same courtesy.

    Thanks for your thoughts. I don't pretend to understand the male perspective, so feel free to contradict me any time.

  3. Haven’t we all had our fair share of negative dating experiences Nicole! I’ll turn 30 in a few months, and when I finished my mission 6 years ago, having a wife and children was certainly where I thought I’d be at this stage of my life – but it hasn’t happened. I have had the honour of dating some wonderful women, many of whom I loved and thought eternal blessings were on the way – only for each of them to decide that I wasn’t the right one for them, and to have my heart broken over and over again. I’ve often blamed myself for not being good enough or blaming those women for the ‘mistake’ they each made in not choosing me, but those attitudes eat us alive if we don’t quell them early.

    I will guarantee you that there are women out there who will see Exhibit A’s approach as charming and endearing. Other women will see it as creepy. Likewise, there will be women who will appreciate Exhibit C’s more ‘gentle’ approach. And other women will have moved on much sooner, expecting him to man up and make a move already. My point here is that for many of us menfolk, figuring out the right advance towards a woman requires some guesswork – and even luck. Sometimes we get it wrong – and we get labelled unfairly. Then word gets around about our ‘creepiness’ and we are extremely hesitant to stick our necks out again, lest that false impression be reinforced.

    We should take the lead – we (men) were prepared before this world to be the providers and protectors of our wives and children. That pattern is first established in courtship. It’s a sad indictment on a man who doesn’t live up to this awesome responsibility.

    Nicole, I feel saddened that I gave the impression of taking out my dating disappointments on women in general. I didn’t intend to do that. You did nothing wrong at all with Exhibit B. His actions were lame, but there is a very good chance that once upon a time he was confident, then that took a beating when a few tactless women chided him. Elder Oaks in his dating v hanging out talk from 2005 said it well: “(Y)oung women, if you turn down a date, be kind. Otherwise you may crush a nervous and shy questioner and destroy him as a potential dater, and THAT COULD HURT SOME OTHER SISTER”.

    I have deep admiration for all things feminine. Women fascinate me, intrigue me, frustrate me, but always win me over. The older I get, the more I value the attributes that make women – especially faithful Latter Day Saint women – unique and special. I love the way they reach out to others, to bless them, I love hearing them teach and testify. Lovely feminine women will always command my deepest respect and deference. And most importantly, I still look forward to that (long overdue) day when I will be able to take one of those women to the temple and marry her for time and all eternity. And to make her feel like the most loved and cherished woman in the world. Proverbs 31:29 sums up how I want to make my wife feel every day of her life.

    Keep believing and know that we are trying!


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