I figured it out! Why I'm still single. And why it's likely to stay that way.

Let the rambling begin!

It occured to me that I am somewhere between Too Lame and Too Cool. 
You may think this makes me Average.
Well you'd be wrong.
I'm Just Above Average.
And I mean Just Above.  Like a hair's width.
You may think, well what's the big deal?
Well, let me tell you.
Cool people marry Cool people.
Lame people marry Lame people.
Weird people marry Weird people.
Interesting people marry Interesting people.
People with Superiority Complexes marry those who have Low IQs.
Hot people marry Hot people- typically anyway.
Cute people marry Cute people- typically anyway.
Worriers marry the Confident.
Angry people marry Doormats
People typically find themselves or their opposite and then marry them.
Problem with being a Just Above Average person is that you're rare.
And not in the precious stone way, just in the random way.
Problem with being a Just Abover is that you think you deserve someone just like you.
Not an Average person, no.
They are Average.
You're Just Above.
That should count for something.
At least you'd think so.
But, in reality it doesn't.
So, that is why I am single and will likely stay that way.


  1. I doubt you'll stay single. You'll find someone eventually.


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