Living Orange

For my Visual Rhetoric class we were assigned a project called "Enchanting the Mundane" where we were to take the mundane things around us, that we take for granted, and make them enchanting.

This is my project.  The concept can be understood (probably without explanation) by understanding two main aspects of my personality. 1. I have orange hair, which has a surprising level of impact on my perception of life and self. 2. I'm an introvert. For those of you that are not word-nerds like me you interpret  "introvert" to mean "shy". The actual and literal meaning of introvert is a person who lives within. Extroverts experience and understand the world from the outside, introverts experience and understand the world from the inside.

Because I am introverted I have a tendency to check out of outside reality and check into what is happening within my own mind. I mull through thoughts and feelings and perceptions. But, admittedly, I often miss what is happening around me.

For this project I made myself notice when I checked out, and then forced myself to pay attention to what is around me that I am ignoring and then photograph it. After a month of gathering various images I noticed that many of the things I took photos of were various shades of orange. I saw that even in my attempts to be aware of the extra I was still using my inner dialogue to process my surroundings, and thus captured various images of myself.

All images were photographed by me. The music is provided by Darin Schaffer, it is called "Orange with a Touch of Blue," which, in and of itself, is telling.


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