What I'm Afraid Of
2/30: 5 Fears, both of the rational and irrational.
1.) Water:
More specifically drowning. I know, I know, I know, dumb. But people die in there. I'm not so bad that I don't take baths or that I cry at the sight. If I'm wearing a life preserver (I do like my life preserved, for as long as possible) or if I can stand up and breathe (I'm not quite Little John from Robin Hood) I'm good to go.
2.) Ugly Babies:
More specifically I'm afraid that I'll have ugly babies. Whenever my roommate hears me say this she gasps and then laughs uncontrollably. I don't know why I'm shallow in this particular area of my life, I just am. I have no reasoning, but it's a fear. My mom always tells me that they'll be cute to me, but I'm not convinced. I'm a very self-aware person, I'll know that my kids are ugly. How would I live with that?
No seriously.
No seriously.
3.) Claustrophobia:
I mean it. I can't sleep in mummy bags because before I'm all the way in I have a tendency to have a full-fledged panic attack, with tears and hyperventilating. It's embarrassing.
I blame my cousin Nathan. When we were small we had a sleep over and he and my brother thought it would be hilarious to trap me inside my sleeping bag. I may have lost it then and never found it again.
4.) Regret:
I fear regret maybe almost as much as I fear mummy sleeping bags. Well, minus the tears and hyperventilating. But I must say this fear has gotten me to some pretty amazing places, introduced me to some pretty amazing people, and given me perfect experiences.
5.) Loosing my Teeth:
Do I really need to explain myself here? No.
oh my gosh the ugly babies is totally a fear of mine too! people think i'm ridiculous, but seriously, what in the world is a combination of me and victor going to look like??