The Ball is in My Court...

Whenever I feel particularly confused by a guy's behavior (more specifically a guy I like), inevitably someone will say "he's thrown the ball in your court."

 My  mind instantly floods with questions. What exactly is the "ball"?  Where is this "court"? Why is there more than one court? Can any game involving a ball and a court be played successfully in two courts? And if I'm in my own court, wouldn't I have my own ball?

Even more troubling, what if I'm playing badminton? and he's playing basketball?  What can a badminton-playing girl do with a ball?  We're more of the birdie type.

Or even worse, what if I'm playing baseball... I wouldn't even have a court!  And what would a guy in a basketball court do with a baseball if I threw it to him?

Now imaging I'm playing baseball and he's playing badminton-- one court, no ball, one ball no court!  What would happen?

I have this image of myself at 7 years old, red pigtails, playing on the elementary school playground.  There he is, in the court next to mine.  He bounces his ball into my court.  I watch the ball roll away.  My eyes narrow in suspicion trying to decide if this cooty-riden boy needs a swift kick with my lacy sock/mary jane clad foot or if I should just run for it.  Why did he do that?  What did it mean?

Wouldn't it all be easier if he just invited me into his court? I'm just looking for a good game of HORSE.


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