Why Using the Word "Date" is Such a Big Deal to Girls

So, I was having an interesting conversation with my friend Mark, he was telling me about this girl that "freaked out about [him] asking her to 'hang out'." He asked me why girls care so much.

So why is it such a big deal to a girl that you not say "hang out"?

#1- It's confusing. We don't know what to expect from it. We can't tell when you're interested or when you're just being neighborly and nice. We want to date and can't tell if you want to. It's frustrating.

#2- It causes nothing but problems. Sometimes when guys ask to hang out, a girl will think it is code for date... until she doesn't. And usually when a girl gives up on you and your "hang outs" is about the same time you're "sure" of whatever you weren't sure of when you decided it would be better to hang out than date. So, when you're ready for something a little more serious is about the same time when that girl starts dating someone else and you're left "totally blindsided"-- how's that been working for you?

#3- Friend zone = hanging out. Do you enjoy the "friend zone" guys are always whining about? If you don't, maybe you should consider just asking girls on dates, using the actual word "date". Guys who don't end up in the friend zone are the ones who call girls up and say, "hey, I'd like to take you out, how's Thursday sound?" Trust me. I've never friend-zoned a guy who asked me out on dates, but I have "friend-zoned" plenty of guys who always want to hang out.  I hang out with my friends. Do yo want to be my friend?  If not, prove it.

#4- Nothing good comes from hanging out. Some of us girls who are pretty good at rudimentary math (you know, 1+1=2) have picked up on the fact that more often than not "hanging out" is code for "I'm going to hook up with you and then leave you utterly confused and say, 'what? we were just hanging out. It wasn't that big of a deal.'" Yeah, we don't like that much.  So, those of us who have put two and two together and prefer being respected (ya know, the ladies of the world) have learned to just say "no."

#5- Why would we "hang out" with you when we could go out with him? It's not about money and who will spend the most on us. It's about who is more likely to respect us. It's about who is more likely to actually be a boyfriend and not a confusing booty call.

I could go on, but I won't. I know some of you out there are just good guys who just want to hang out, and that's fine, but learn to deal with the consequences with a little less whine. You get what you give darling.


  1. I am soo happy I stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago! I LOVE how you just say things straight out and truthful like (and yet still amusing), because like Shaylee Ann says above, "Yes!"


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