Don't Be an Emotional Slut


At least to some degree, as a society of women, we understand that being loose with our bodies and "giving it away like it's spare change" (thanks T Swizzle for that one) isn't the best of ideas. Some have learned this from personal experience, some from seeing what it does to others, and some don't have to learn it at all due to foresight and all. 

Having sex too soon and/or with a lot of people is spiritually devastating, emotionally confusing and physically dangerous. This to me seems like logic, or at the very least should be general knowledge, sadly at the cost of too many hurt souls. 

What fascinates me are the people slow on the uptake with the emotional side of this. Ladies (and gents) it isn't the best idea to to get emotionally slutty. Don't give it all away too soon. 

Some throw all of their emotions at someone else in the quest for love and romance, but more often than not, they'll just get them thrown right back (after they've been stomped on and squished back together). 

Some say that they don't know how not to give away their emotional self all at once, that it's "just who they are" -- I say to this what I would say to someone who is angry all the time or struggles with using foul language frequently. Your HABITS do not DEFINE who YOU are

You know what's one of the few lovely things about this life? We get to choose who we are. We can see what we're good at and thrive in our talents; we get to see what we're bad at and look for ways to overcome them. And what's nice is that if you look really carefully you'll see that you have strengths, that when used properly, help outweigh your weaknesses. You just have to try.

I only write this because I see so many people get all smashed up on the inside after putting all their eggs in one basket and then watch the person holding that basket throw their eggs into a lake (good analogy, no?).

This, like everything wonderful in life, is a balancing act. When I say protect your emotions I am not saying be guarded or distrustful. I don't want you to "build a wall around your heart" so that only the "most noble and true at heart" will put the effort forward to break it down. That would be exhausting. Would you want to have to do that? Break down the barriers of a person in hopes that there is something good in there? No! And those of you that have had to do that know how awful it is, and shouldn't want to inflict that on others.

In fact I think people who wall themselves off are often the victims of emotional slutty-ness. They put themselves too far out there too fast and got hurt, so they swung in the opposite direction and are now suspicious and negative.

What I'm suggesting is be thoughtful. Think about what you're doing. Be honest and be careful. 


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