Hindsight is 20/20

I just had an epiphany.

I think we all wish that we could just know what to do, what will work out and what won't, or what will be and what won't from the beginning. Problem with that is that if we knew we'd avoid much more often than we'd take chances on.

Not to mention all the things we'd completely miss in life. I'm not talking about mistakes necessarily  I'm just talking about all the crappy things we'd just step around if we could.  It's like Lincoln's compass analogy: A compass will always point north and thus will always point us in the right direction, but it will not show us the swamps and rivers and dense forests that fall along the way. Those trials, those tests will only make us stronger.

Though we'd like to avoid heartbreak, embarrassment and frustration we can't really live without them.  We need them to tell us who we are, to prove our strengths to ourselves, to teach us what we truly want.

Who would you be without all your bumps and bruises?
Would Christ be Christ without His scars?


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