Dear Women- Craig Cameron

This one has a little international flavor; all the way from Australia:

Dear Women
This is a most humbling request that Nicole has asked of me - to write down a few words of encouragement, to provide some advice, and to express my feelings,. I hope that the words I say here will make a difference to each of you in at least some small way.

Firstly, I want to say that I view each one of you as a cherished daughter of God, filled with grace and beauty, each having divine instincts and talents - and yet each of you is uniquely special. I watch the ways in which you so selflessly serve others, how you comfort and support each other, and how gracefully you handle all the disappointments you experience. These are things men notice - especially when you don't do them. I want you all to know that your examples - good and bad - make a difference... more than you realise.
Now I have a few suggestions of how you can successfully get through to us men, and have the relationship happiness you desire and the marriages you all yearn for. ;)

1. Be feminine
As women, you have a power which men simply can't match. Your softness, your loving and tender words, your vulnerability can be used to build men up and inspire us to move mountains for you. Likewise, you can just as easily use those divine powers to manipulate and deceive. The world teaches you that your divine feminine qualities are just for sexual gratification and for exploiting others. Please use these powers wisely. Use them to serve, bless and bring out the best in men, and you will elicit our interest and devotion - and even our eternal love.

2. Be strong
Traditionally (and properly) men are to take the lead in courtship. This does mean that women to an extent have to wait for us to do our part. I used to complain about how unfair it was that I was the one who had to experience rejection... and that women have no idea what it's like to be on the receiving end. But then I became aware that every woman that I don't ask out I'm actually rejecting! That gave me a new appreciation of what you all go through. Please be patient. Please be resilient. We need your strength - not because we're not strong, but because your strength is different from ours.

3. Know your worth
Another thing that I notice with women is how much you diminish yourselves. You seem to be able to do 5 things simultaneously, and yet you feel guilty for taking the credit for any good you accomplish. Please know that it's attractive to men to take pride in your accomplishments and your abilities. We seek after the company of women who are happy and confident within themselves, who have the assurance that who they are is significant and what they're doing has influence. If a man makes a flippant remark about something you do, don't let it disturb that resolve you should all have.

4. Express your needs, thoughts, opinions
I can't stress enough how important this is! It is incredibly endearing to see a woman in full feminine splendour and confidence express her needs to me... and then trusts in my ability and desire to meet those needs. We LOVE sacrificing for you - we feel needed and trusted. We want to please you and make you happy, but we also need to know how to do that. We need to know where the boundaries are - what you do like as well as what you don't like. If a man you know can't handle this, then know he's not ready for you and the awesome responsibility of being your husband.

5. Reward our efforts
We men like to feel successful, that our efforts are being recognised - especially by the women we love and adore. This reward doesn't mean you have to make us dinner or bake cookies for us all the time - for someone like me that can be a little too much (and trust me, I love food) - but what it does mean is that we need you to express appreciation. When we make the effort to call you, when we take you out on dates, when we make time for you - we need to know that you are grateful. Often a simple and sincere 'thank you' and a warm smile can do more than a home cooked dinner or a chocolate cake (hard to believe it might be, but it's often true).

6. Don't you dare lose hope!
You might look at women your age and even younger getting married and having babies and wonder if it's still worth it to keep going as you get older and your prospects apparently getting worse. I want you to know that it's God's will for you to have the blessings of marriage in your life. It is crucial that you continue to strive for this by staying in the right places, doing the right things, and staying happy with the numerous blessings you have right now. Don't waste your time with men who can't give you what you deserve. If you do, you won't be in the right place for the man who will give you what you deserve to find you.

I invite you to read this over again and to hold it close, because you are all incredible. Please don't give up on us men - there are good ones out there looking for you (well, me at least anyway).

With love and adoration,


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