Dear Men
This idea was stolen from Elisabeth Gee, who, as I understand it, stole it from someone else.
Dear Shoulda-Coulda-Woulda
No, that one blogpost wasn't about you. I'm sorry that I wasn't thinking about you even though you've bought me dinner the last few weekends. I won't let it happen again, the wasting of your money.
Truth is, you're confusing.
You text me, then apologize for texting me.
You ask me out and then wonder at the fact that I said "yes"
You give me more reasons to not take you seriously than to take you seriously.
I'm sorry, but I'm taking your advice and not go out with you
with kindest regards,
Utterly Confused
Dear Cheater,
You're married, leave my friend alone you creeptastic creeper.
most sincerely,
Crazed Redhead--be afraid
Dear James Dean,
I don't get you in the slightest.
Yet, you're the first person I've really "gotten" in a long time.
I don't know what that means either.
Please pull your head out of your arse sooner than later.
Yours. Truly.
Howdy Partner,
I miss your face.
All the time.
Why do we live so far apart?
AHHH! Love this :) So so so so much! :)