Not Enough Words

"Did you know there are thirty-two names for love in one of the Eskimo languages?" August said. "And we just have this one.  We are so limited, you have to use the same word for loving Rosaleen as you do for loving a Coke with peanuts.  Isn't that a shame we don't have more ways to say it?" 
~ The Secret Lives of Bees
Sue Monk Kidd

The Secret Lives of Bees is one of my most loved books.  And I'm happy to say that the movie does it justice. 

I have felt the same as August in regards to words and how lacking the English language can feel. There should be more ways to express love; I've often found that true of the word "sorry" I wish there were more ways to say "I'm sorry." It just isn't right that we have to use the same word for bumping into someone at the grocery store as we do when we sympathize with those who have lost a loved one. It doesn't ever feel right to me. 

It also hurts me that we've lost so many beautiful words, like "beloved"--no one uses that anymore, I feel like the world (of English speakers) would be more peaceful if we did.


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