Bitterness Ain't Pretty

I know this girl who does nothing but complain about the fact that she isn't married. When I say "nothing" I mean nothing.  I don't think I've ever heard her talk about anything else.  I try my very best to be as honest as I can with people, to be very straightforward and just be the person others know that they can come to for the advice that no one else has the guts to tell them.  I'm usually relatively fearless when it comes to this, but I don't know this girl very well, and she seems a little fragile, so I'm going to take my pent up advice to her and spill it all out onto my blog.  Bare with me here.

First and foremost:


Why people think that the more they try to directly chase down happiness the more likely they are to get it is beyond me. Sweetheart, life doesn't work that way.  Any time you try to chase an ideal or a concept you're going to be grasping at straws.  Happiness is in the details, it comes in unexpected and unplanned ways.  Happiness isn't found in the pursuit (sorry founding fathers) it's in taking care of others, focusing on service and balancing work and play.  


I don't know that the specified age in this quote is super relevant, but I like the thought in general.  If life isn't panning out just the way you thought it would, DO SOMETHING ELSE! For crying out loud! Do something else! And by do something else I don't mean take extra shifts at work to distract yourself or sit around watching movies! Have goals, read books, spend time with family and friends, get involved in the community, create something, make plans that you can control and then find a way to follow through with those plans.  In doing something else you become a far more interesting person and then others will want to be around you and you'll more likely find someone else interesting. But in the name of all things holy (and unholy) don't think that your life is boring because if it is it's your fault, don't think your life isn't panning out, because that's your fault too! MAKE A CHANGE YOU'RE NOT A TREE, IF YOU DON'T LIKE YOUR LIFE GET UP AND MAKE A CHANGE!  

Moving on....


Too many people get unsatisfied with their lives, blame their higher power and lose all sense of classiness.  And to be clear: whining, complaining, sloppiness, foul language, blaming, selfishness, and bitterness are the benchmarks of lacking class! Keep your composure and stay on top of your own life.  

Number four:

One of the least attractive qualities there is is jealousy.  Jealousy is just plain ignorant and boring.  Stop looking at other people who "have what you want" and complaining about how they have it and you don't. Their life isn't your business. I'm going to say that again: their life isn't your business! Stop.  If you can't be happy for another person's happiness you are quickly becoming an ugly person. I would suggest reading/watching this ("The formula of faith is to hold on, work on, see it through, and let the distress of earlier hours—real or imagined—fall away in the abundance of the final reward.") and then read/watch this.

I don't mean to be harsh in anyway, I sincerely worry that those who choose to wallow in their disappointments will wallow for so long that they will eventually drown and their lives will never get any better.  

Do try my dear friends to be positive and loving. Take your expectations and throw them out the window and just live to the best of your abilities. 


  1. I really like this. In my most recent failed dating venture, a good friend advised me not to become bitter. sometimes it is really easy to be bitter especially towards dating and guys, but i have worked hard not to become bitter toward anyone through the hurt that was part of the break up. and you know? it's totally be worth it! i'm happier than i would be if i were just complaining and hating life.

  2. i LOVE this blog post! perfect in absolutely every way. i agree with everything!


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