Communication Issues for Men & Women: In the Beginning Anyway

I love this poster thing-- so true of most girls.
This is more of a response to a comment I received on my shared post explaining to men how to approach women you don't know without getting maced.  This particular reader commented on other things to which I would like to respond more thoroughly if it weren't for the fact that this is such a public arena.  But there was one serious aspect to his comment that I feel needs response.  He wrote:

"When you want us to ask you out, tell us. When you are ready for us to kiss you, tell us. When you have decided you want to marry us, tell us it's OK for us to get down on bended knee and ask that question."

I understand, at least to some degree, that it isn't easy bearing the weight of initiation, but all the same, I almost wholly disagree with this statement.  

Men and women have very different communication and processing styles, this is obvious to just about everyone; the thing is that men want women to be straight forward and to pour their hearts out so that they (the men) can feel certain of their footing.  Problem is that takes men off the cliff and out of the wind, but puts women on the edge about to blow over.  

Women like to feel protected and safe, being vulnerable too soon and without cause isn't something a woman is going to do.

The great irony here is that the man, in the beginnings anyway, wants the woman to be really open about her feelings, to just say what she wants so that what?  He won't have to? I can see why fellas, it isn't an incomprehensible concept, the funny thing is that later, when the relationship is more established is usually the woman begging the man for an inkling as to what he feels or what he's thinking. Pattern much?  

It seems like if we ladies do what you fellas are asking it's a lose-lose situation for us and a win-win for you.

I've written about this before, and it's psychologically established knowledge so I feel pretty confident restating it,  women desire and need to feel safe at all costs.  And I'm not just talking about physical safety, I'm talking emotional, spiritual, mental, and social as well.  According to The Family: A Proclamation to the World it's the man's responsibility to provide, preside and protect.  If you can't do those things prior to marriage, how will we ever know that you can after?

I'm not saying that the woman can't be the first to say "I love you" or that she can't ask out a guy for a date, or that she shouldn't request any of the above,  what I dispute is the claim that we should have to.  

I appreciate any man who goes to great lengths to make a woman feel comfortable, but if those great lengths render the relationship impotent then there is an issue.  


  1. Thank you for your last 2 posts Nicole.
    I've been thinking greatly about what you've said... and what you've said is very true. A woman does deserve to be safe, and she shouldn't be expected to lead the courtship process. As a man I find it much more fulfilling when I take the reins and protect and provide for my lady - and it's even sweeter when she lets me do that. :)
    But what does make men like myself unsure sometimes is how assertive to be when expressing our desires to woo and win you. Most of us (men) have been turned down before. And the less conscientious members of our sex let that affect us too much; we then become less confident with women, women pick up on this (finding timidity repelling) and turn us down again. As you can see, a vicious cycle develops where both the men and the women become more jaded and cynical about the opposite sex.
    What I was trying to get across is that when we do date you, we want to know where the boundaries are. We don't want to look weak and be 'friend-zoned', but we also don't want to be too forward and be labelled as a desperate creeper. And some feminine guidance in this area helps us to know better how to lead the courtship. That's all. :)

    PS. I want to hear the more thorough response you hinted at. Please shoot me an e-mail - - I can't wait to hear your thoughts!


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