I think happiness is one of the most interesting things to sit and think about. What is happiness? Where does it come from? Who is happy? Why are they happy? Am I happy? When am I happy? Why am I happy? What exactly IS "happy?" Can it be pinpointed?
I am a happy person. I would describe myself as a quietly calm happy. I'm not in your face, I keep my distance. I'm not the world's most outgoing person. I'd even consent to the occasional use of the word "shy" to describe me. I may be far from what the world wants me to be, but that doesn't mean that I'm not what I want to be.
I was laying in bed last night thinking of all the people I have ever known that I would consider happy and tried to figure out the difference between them and the people I would guess to be unhappy. I would say happiness revolves around the center point of peace. Peace with yourself. Peace with others. Peace with your life's work. Peace with your God.
It occurred to me in a very strong way that I was in one way or another born into happiness. I consider myself lucky in that respect. I don't pat myself on the back for it really, though some of my happiness I feel I have earned, I also feel that it has been given. My face offs with unhappiness or disquiet have been few and brief and I lend that much to my firm and resilient knowledge of my loving and personal Heavenly Father.
I was born and raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka the Mormons!) and within that I have learned to grow, flourish, discover my uniqueness and have gained great levels of personal peace. Despite what people say about me being a "Mormon" I will not accept the negativity and embarrassment many would have me feel for my religion because it has given me so much more than any other experience, condition, organization or education I have encountered.
I understand that everyone has their unique journey and this I deeply respect. When I decided that I wanted to go to school not just for the resume builder but to become an educated person I decided that I wanted to learn to see life from all points of view. I would listen to my professors and teachers and listened to what they had to say. I promised myself that I would bounce around other opinions in my brain, let them melt and mold there until I felt I could see what it may be like to be them. Then I decided to take them and look at them from different perspectives and argue on different points within myself. Study it out and commit it to memory. I believe in living and letting live. I believe in an individual's right to decide their experience and in that choice is where we find possible happiness. I would also like to mention that this attitude was very much learned at home and at church. I was taught this religiously.
This video sums up my feelings of and on happiness: http://lds.org/pages/we-can-find-happiness?lang=eng
I am a happy person. I would describe myself as a quietly calm happy. I'm not in your face, I keep my distance. I'm not the world's most outgoing person. I'd even consent to the occasional use of the word "shy" to describe me. I may be far from what the world wants me to be, but that doesn't mean that I'm not what I want to be.
I was laying in bed last night thinking of all the people I have ever known that I would consider happy and tried to figure out the difference between them and the people I would guess to be unhappy. I would say happiness revolves around the center point of peace. Peace with yourself. Peace with others. Peace with your life's work. Peace with your God.
It occurred to me in a very strong way that I was in one way or another born into happiness. I consider myself lucky in that respect. I don't pat myself on the back for it really, though some of my happiness I feel I have earned, I also feel that it has been given. My face offs with unhappiness or disquiet have been few and brief and I lend that much to my firm and resilient knowledge of my loving and personal Heavenly Father.
I was born and raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka the Mormons!) and within that I have learned to grow, flourish, discover my uniqueness and have gained great levels of personal peace. Despite what people say about me being a "Mormon" I will not accept the negativity and embarrassment many would have me feel for my religion because it has given me so much more than any other experience, condition, organization or education I have encountered.
I understand that everyone has their unique journey and this I deeply respect. When I decided that I wanted to go to school not just for the resume builder but to become an educated person I decided that I wanted to learn to see life from all points of view. I would listen to my professors and teachers and listened to what they had to say. I promised myself that I would bounce around other opinions in my brain, let them melt and mold there until I felt I could see what it may be like to be them. Then I decided to take them and look at them from different perspectives and argue on different points within myself. Study it out and commit it to memory. I believe in living and letting live. I believe in an individual's right to decide their experience and in that choice is where we find possible happiness. I would also like to mention that this attitude was very much learned at home and at church. I was taught this religiously.
This video sums up my feelings of and on happiness: http://lds.org/pages/we-can-find-happiness?lang=eng
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