Change is Good. It is. Or So I'm Told.

I've decided to turn a new leaf.  This decision may prove the detriment to my blog due to the fact that the posts that get the most views, I believe you all, at least secretly, love my overt negativism (to say harshly).  But I've been thinking lately about who I'd like to be, what I actually believe, and how to better put that to use.

There are a couple of quotes that have struck me the last few months.  Quotes that have made me feel peaceably calm. I've decided to make them my mantra.

a.) "Be the change you wish to see in the world."-  Gandhi
b.) "Let them do their worst and we will continue doing our best." -Gordon B. Hinckley
c.) "The world is already full of contention, do not add to it." - David A. Baxter
d.) "Don't be intimidated, be inspired." -Nicole Shepard (yes, your's truly)

My dear friends life is short and the world is confusing, don't get caught up in it.  Give people the benefit of the doubt, but learn from their mistakes as well as your own.


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