Life Lessons Learned in 2011

1.)  Things do, in fact, get better.  2010 was easily the worst year of my life.  I dealt with loss of loved ones, devastation,  broken expectations, severe disappointments, pitiful failures and embarrassing blunders.  2011 was the Lord's life preserver thrown to me in a time of need and I'm grateful.

2.) People do dumb things on the defensive-- especially me.  Be careful my friends to not get defensive, your logic flies out the window with your ability to think before you speak.  And be kind, don't put others on the defensive.

3.) Disneyland isn't really that cool over the age of 7.  Now don't get me wrong its still an impressive place.  I can appreciate the creativity.  But I hadn't gone since I was about 9 or so, therefore my expectations were incredibly high.  At 24 I finally got the courage to go on the Matterhorn (I was a bit of a wimpy kid)  and came off it a little bewildered.  If anything it made for a good laugh.  Easily the best part of Disneyland was playing make believe with the wondereous  Whitney Donald.

4.)  It's best to have a backup plan for your backup plan's backup plan-- then just heap them all together chuck 'em right out the window.  You know why.  If you don't, you will.

5.)  Shakespeare's comedies are terribly boring to read, but hilarious to watch.  This was a lovely lesson learned in conjunction with the Grassroots Shakespeare Co. Go, be dazzled.  Just know that if you're going to sit in your bed and read the likes of The Merchant of Venice you're far more likely to just be offended.  It's best to watch it.

6.) Hitler was not a Socialist, but actually the leader of a unique form of Fascism, now referred to by historians and political scientists as "Hitlerism" -- he wasn't a commie either (in fact he hated  Communists and they went into the concentration camps along with everyone else that didn't meet his fancy).  Actually, I learned that in the 9th grade.  But some people still  need to learn that.  Better late than never.  And your welcome, I'd hate you to continue in ignorance. 

7.) Always give someone the benefit of the doubt; the worst that could happen is your own vindication.  

8.)  Blessings often come in the forms of trials or more work.  Whenever I think about this I think about my good friend Megan Richards who can quote C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien better than anyone I've ever seen.  Apparently there is a quote from one of the Narnia books (you'll have to check with Megan to be sure) that talks about the character riding off happily into the sunset after the impressive conquering of a life's trial because he did not yet understand that the successful completion of  a life test meant that something harder only awaited.  This I have found to be true.  But I have also learned that a trial or more work usually end up being better for you than basking in your own glory.  

9.) Ghosts can in fact set off motion detectors. Vivint security systems say so.

10.) "He's just not that into you."  I don't really know how to sum it up better than that.  I finally re-watched that movie. The first time I saw it was right after my mission (I mean like the day after) and I was far too horrified by the sluttiness of Scarlett Johansson's character to fully appreciate how true that movie is... though I do think you have to leave Utah to make it 100% true.  There are far too many "young single adult activities" sponsored around here for any guy to make any effort beyond going with his buddies to one to see any girl again.

11.) Southern people are just plain funnier than the rest of us.

12.) Southern black people are just plain funnier than the Southern white people.

13.)  Southern black women are just plain funnier than everyone else.

14.) Every person you see is just that, a person.  I know that sounds redundant and a little dumb, but there are people that we interact with that we assume are above just being an average Joe or Jane, and honey, no one is above just being a person.  Everyone is just trying to not mess up their lives while standing on a slippery pile of their own mistakes.  So, let us all just give each other a bit of a break.

15.) Make sure you like your job.  So much of your happiness, not to mention your sanity, depends on where you work and what you do.  Life can either be a never ending hell or a pleasant surprise depending on how you feel about your job.

16.) Bronco Mendenhall isn't as scary s he seems on TV.  Now I don't really like BYU or their football team in a very general, blanketed way, but I met Brother Bronco back in January (and was terrified to do so based on ESPN footage of him)  but (sorry Bronco to ruin the image) he is the biggest, gummiest bear I've ever met and I give him too thumbs up in regards to awesomeness.  (See!  Give people the benefit of the doubt!)

17.) Last but not least-- Real change takes real work-- This is true on a personal level as well as a big scale, so let's not be like John Meyer and wait on the world to change, because that's lame, and it won't unless we make it change.  So find what your passionate about and then do something to make the change in the world you want to see.

Here's to an inspiring 2012!


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